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The Feminine Fancy
Recent Posts

On Preparing For Your Future: My Hope Chest
If you're a traditional-minded girl like myself, you've probably always dreamed of the day when you'd meet your Prince Charming, he'd...

Underrated And Easy Beauty Practices
My 20s started out slowly. I entered my 20th birthday with my high school boyfriend in tow. At that point, I was pretty convinced that we...

Feminine Summer Dresses
Ahhh the start of Summer. As you all know, I'm a proud Gemini and I thoroughly enjoy the start of the warmer season. Driving to the beach...

How To RECEIVE As a Feminine Woman
As women, we are natural born receivers. And yet, for many women, the mere concept of receiving or allowing a man to be who he is...

Things That Have Been Keeping Me Sane
Hello Friends. We are living in some crazy and trying times right now. Death, sickness, poverty, anxiety and fear seem to have taken over...

Feminine and Fun Springtime Activities
I know it seems like I'm averaging one blog post a month, but I promise you I'm TRYING to be better. The harsh California Winter has left...

Feminine vs. Feminist
Recently on social media, I've been seeing a lot of hashtags and posts saying things like #femininenotfeminist or #thefutureisfeminine....
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