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My Late Summer Bucket List

The Summer Solstice was officially over a month ago which means we are on the downslope of the Summer season, heading swiftly into Fall. But if you've been around the blog for any amount of time, you know that I try to get the absolute most out of every season before jumping to the next one. I try to do this in all aspects of my life, as it reminds me to truly enjoy and embrace the moment that I'm in instead of constantly thinking about what's next.

That said, I feel like this Summer has been going by SO fast and I've barely gotten to enjoy it the way I wanted to. I wanted to enjoy this season the same way I did when I was a kid. Have pool parties, go to the beach, stay up late stargazing, etc. But I was unkindly reminded that I'm 31 and when you're an adult, you don't really get a "Summer" the same way you did when you were a kid. Instead of pool parties and otter pops, this summer has been spent dedicating majority of my time to my new small business. Establishing ourselves in the community, marketing, promoting, and working so, so hard. Not to mention we had a huge move at the beginning of the summer and spent most of the last few months getting adjusted.

All of a sudden I looked up, and we were at the end of July! So I've decided that for the last two months of Summer, August and September, I will be re-visiting my Summer bucket list and attempting to complete as many things off of it as possible. Friendly reminder that the official first day of Fall is September 22nd. So yes, we have two more months of Summer and two more months of this insane heat. Is anyone else just melting???

This isn't to say I haven't done some wonderful Summery things. I've grown quite the flower garden (yes I grew those sunflowers in the photo above). I've gone to picnics and birthday parties. I went to my favorite Airbnb to celebrate my birthday - you can watch that vlog here. But there's still so much I want to do!

Here is my late summer bucket list:

  • Host an End of Summer Party

  • Go to the Drive-in Movies

  • Go Berry Picking

  • Have a Proper Beach Day

  • Make Lemonade

  • Backyard Campfire (s'mores included)

  • Hike to a waterfall

  • Try a new restaurant and dine al fresco

  • Summer road trip

  • Go to an MLB game

  • Make ice cream from scratch

  • Play a game of ping pong

I will keep you all posted on how the rest of Summer goes! I encourage you to not speed up into Fall, but to try your best to enjoy the season we're in. No matter how absurdly hot it is.



1 comment

1 Comment

Aug 06

I've done a few things on your list. Making a list of simple yet fun ideas is a great way to enjoy the season. I'm planning a beach trip to Assateague with my family this weekend; let's hope it doesn't rain.

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