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Femininity As Activism

Hi Loves!

Today I wanted to talk about how being feminine is a form of activism in itself.

2020 was filled with a lot. A lot of emotions, a lot of protests, a lot of people spewing hate and misinformation. A lot of people upset if you weren't out protesting and also upset if you were. A lot of expectations. A lot of performative social media activism and a lot of judgement.

It was just... a lot.

Even I experienced being told on social media how I should be performing my activism.

"Why haven't you posted about...."

"You shouldn't be silent during....."

"I'm so disappointed that you follow this account..."

"Speak up and say something about...."

The list goes on.

And I thought I'd take this opportunity to explain how femininity, in and of itself, is a form of activism. This is something I have wanted to make a video about, but per usual, it's easier for me to write my thoughts out in a blog post.

I also wanted to write this to encourage any other woman, women of color especially, to feel validated in their feelings of how they choose to approach difficult situations and situations of intense dichotomy.


Here are some of the ways that femininity is its own activism.

1. Soft Feminine Energy Embraces What's Different.

When the femininity movement or "revolution", as some people are calling it, began, there was a desire to know how to exude soft feminine energy. And there have been many videos within the feminine community teaching women how to be "soft" but not really delving into its importance and true power.

Soft, feminine energy isn't just about speaking in a quieter voice and not engaging in arguments. It's about being a welcoming landing place for those who come in contact with you. Whether they agree or disagree with whatever your stance is on a certain issue.

Have you ever noticed that it's harder to listen to someone when they're yelling at you? Whatever message they're trying to get across goes in one ear and out the other. Guards go up and whatever point that was trying to be made does not get made and usually falls on deaf ears.

When you lean into being a woman who embraces others, you create a safe space for people to speak their truth and not feel judged. A space for those who have different life experiences and different realities to be completely transparent about what they've experienced, and not view them from your personal lens.

Feminine energy allows for you to open your ears, and listen.

2. Change Really Does Start At Home

As feminine women, many of whom are homemakers or who are striving to become full time homemakers, we have to acknowledge that change really does start in the home. It's nice to post in solidarity with a community we're not a part of, but it's better to cultivate a community where a diverse group is represented.

If you are not actively making sure that you surround yourself and your family with a diverse group of people, you're doing yourself a disservice. And your online activism is virtually pointless.

Do you have friends of a different race? Do your kids only have toys that look like them? What movies and shows do you watch as a family? It's not indoctrination, it's education. Stop being so afraid of what's different that you don't even expose your family to the realities of our world.

As feminine women, we can also create a safe haven and place of respite for our families to come back to. A place that is warm, inviting and where they know they can bring any concern or issue to the table, and know that they will be loved and supported.

3. The World Needs To See Black Feminine Women

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the world needs to see as many Black feminine women living and thriving in their femininity as possible. The more we can be the opposite of the stereotype, the more we will be seen and treated with respect.

Now I know what you're going to say: "We should receive that respect regardless." And you're 100% right. But that is sadly not the reality. So until then, showing the world that Black women can be the opposite of the loud, combative, stereotype is in itself a form of activism. We have soooo much work to do. We literally have to convince medical professionals that we don't have a higher pain tolerance than women of other races. The more we can showcase ourselves exuding that soft, feminine energy, the closer we'll get to equality. Or at least that's the hope.

Here are some of my favorite accounts of Black Feminine Women on Instagram:

4. Creativity Creates Connection

One of the pinnacles of femininity is creation. And creation gives way for many of us to connect with others. During the rise in activism last summer, there was also a rise in creation. Graphics, photographs, poems, Tik Toks and art was created and born during a period of turmoil and confusion.

The more we pour into our creative side, the more we can create real connection with others. Are you good at knitting? Why not donate some knitted hats or scarves for those displaced by the pandemic? Are you good at art? Maybe paint something to deliver to Senior Centers where they aren't able to see their family members due to Covid.

The feminine naturally wants to create. And there are so many ways in which we can use our creative inclinations to bond the world together, not further separate it.

5. The Feminine Values Community

In a time when opinions and belief systems seem to divide us more than ever, it's important to remember that The Feminine values community. And community doesn't just mean people who agree with you.

The Feminine values community because we thrive on supporting and uplifting one another. The Masculine, which is typically more competitive, thrives on goal setting and achieving said goals. So if you don't feel naturally called to make a 10-step action plan of how to solve the world's problems, that's okay. There's nothing wrong with you. You simply exist in your feminine energy, which wants to work in a community to find solutions. And when you don't have that community, you feel frozen.

Creating community can be difficult in these interesting times that we're navigating, but doing so will make us feel more in touch with others and with ourselves. My online community has been so beneficial for helping me feel like I'm making a small difference in the world.

How can you create community to spread love and positivity? To open your world to new perspectives and ideas. How can you create community to express your concerns and voice your hopes and fears? Creating community with a diverse group of people gives you the opportunity to be active in your activism.


People often underestimate the importance of activism at home. And the importance of femininity in our modern world. As feminine women, we bring something to the table that is of immense value.

Don't let anyone make you feel like your activism isn't good enough or powerful enough. Your work happens in the way you respond to others, in the way you treat those who are different from you, and in the way you open your heart and your ears to genuinely listen and serve.

That is the activism of a feminine woman.



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