Hello Friends!
Being at home all this time has really made me realize just how much money I spend on professional personal grooming and self care.
Let's just go down the list of all the things I spend money on in a month for my personal grooming.

1) Mani/pedi: PRICE- $50
Y'all know that I can NOT paint my own nails to save my life, so a monthly (or sometimes, bi-monthly) manicure is a necessity for me. Here in California, a mani/pedi can cost you anywhere from $40-$80 depending on how many fixin's you get to go along with it. I usually end up spending around $50.
2) Eyebrows/Lip/Underarm Waxing: PRICE- $40
As mentioned in many of my videos, I am the equivalent of a wooly mammoth in the body hair department. Myself and my boyfriend are both pretty fuzzy people (I feel for our future children.) Because of this, I spend a decent amount on waxing.
3) Facial: PRICE- $150
Facials are more than just skin care for me, it's an act of self-care. I would even go so far as to say that I prefer facials to massages, (I'm just way too ticklish). I get facials almost monthly at this amazingly lush spa in San Francisco and even though they are a bit pricey, it is 100% worth it. If you find a spa that gives life-changing facials, keep going, and never look back.
4) Deep Condition/Hair Cut: PRICE- $75
While I don't get a deep condition treatment every time I go to the salon, I do try to keep my hair as conditioned and my ends as healthy as possible. This means going to get my hair trimmed at least twice a month, one of those times, usually, including a deep condition.
TOTAL: $315/MONTH | $3,780/YEAR
Needless to say, personal grooming can cost a pretty penny. BUT, never fear. I'm here to offer you some practical ways that you can get your personal grooming done at home at a much lower cost.
People have SO many opinions about body hair, especially about body hair on women. And honestly, I'm pretty tired of it. HAIR JUST GROWS. IT GROWS. It's like grass. It can't help itself, it just keeps on growing. There's absolutely nothing wrong with body hair and we need to stop shaming women or men or WHOEVER for deciding not to shave or wax.
That said, I do not love the feeling of body hair, so I choose to shave. If you're like me and you like to keep body hair at bay, here are some ways you can do that at home.
$1 Eyebrow Razors. These are also great to keep peach fuzz under control as well.
Shave a few times per week
Use hair conditioner to soften hair before you shave. It'll leave your legs feeling baby smooth.
Skincare is the aspect of my personal grooming routine that I take the MOST seriously, since I've struggled with problematic skin literally since birth. But during the months when I just can't splurge for my facial, here are the things I do at home.

Drink a glass of lemon water first thing in the morning.
Incorporate clear skin gummies into my supplement routine
Always moisturize and use sunscreen or sun protection before going outside
Eat LOTS of healthy skin foods (fish, almonds, spinach, broccoli, etc.)
Avoid dairy and sugar at any and all costs (I'm not always good at this but I really do try)
Facial steamer with skin care routine a few mornings/nights per week
Rose Quartz, Jade or Ice roller to contain redness and inflammation
Spin Brush for exfoliation (ONLY a few times per week. Over exfoliating irritates the skin and can cause dryness and redness)
I truly feel like feet get the short end of the stick when it comes to personal grooming. I mean think about it, how many times have you seen someone wearing flip flops with cracked and dry heels as if it's NO BIG DEAL. Taking care of your body and personal grooming includes your hands AND your feet. Having soft hands is incredibly feminine as it implies that you live a gentle, and slower way of life. And it's always a great compliment when someone feels your hands and comments on how soft they are :)
Foot bath/foot tub soaks
Cuticle clipper
Small moisturizer, nightly vaseline or essential oil treatments
You can also buy fake nails online but it's no use if your hands aren't taken good care of.
I'm not going to lie, my hair often gets neglected. I'm just so busy with life that I don't always give my hair the time and care that it deserves. But as my mom used to say, do as I SAY not as I DO. In other words, take heed to my advice, even if I might not. Grooming of your hair is incredibly personal and subjective. It's going to look different for everyone and that's okay. But here are some general rules you should follow.

Always keep your ends trimmed and healthy. It's no use having long hair if your ends are frayed.
Wash your hair as consistently as is right for your hair. This could be once a week, this could be twice a day, it really just depends on your texture of hair and what your hair responds positively to.
If you can't manage long hair, cut it.
Try to find shampoos and conditioners that are paraben-free, sulfate-free, and free of any harmful dyes. Staying "feminine" should not come at the cost of your overall health.
That's all I have for you today fancies. If you enjoyed this post, comment down below what aspect of personal grooming you love the most!
Watch my video on this topic for my tips on BODY ODOR. I include it in personal grooming because how you take care of yourself ultimately leads to you either smelling really amazing or...not so much.
Make sure yo subscribe to my YouTube Channel and share my videos with your family and friends!
Love you loads!
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