The post holiday season can leave us feeling in a bit of a daze. If you're anything like me, you've spent the last two months eating and drinking to your heart's content, waking up hours after your norm, lounging around watching movies and going to bed at unusual hours of the night.
Now that the season has come to a close, I've begun easing my way back into my normal routine.
This is not a resolutions post, nor am I going to encourage you to eat egg whites and spinach every morning in order to "shed the holiday weight".
This is simply a guide to help you reset, and get back into a more consistent routine for both your mental and physical health.

First up is to get some fresh air. Most of the activities we partake in during the holidays are done indoors, and because it's Winter we're spending majority of our time indoors. Here in California we're currently experiencing what they're calling an "atmospheric bomb storm", so many of us here are unable to get out and go for our usual morning walks.
I know that in many places across the country, bundling up to brave the snow to go for a walk doesn't sound like the most enticing idea.
But getting even one hour of sunlight can do so much good for your mental health. Grabbing hold of that natural vitamin D when you can will help stave off seasonal depression, and the brisk air will give you a refreshed spirit.
Next is establishing a solid morning routine. It's been fun to wake up late and mosey around. But now, it's time to get back to having somewhat of a morning routine. It doesn't have to be incredibly strict, nor does it have to involve having a green smoothie first thing in the morning. But you should have *some* idea of what you do every morning.
Setting aside time to journal, to make yourself a cup of warm tea and to cook yourself a nourishing breakfast are all ways to establish care for yourself during this time of slowness and structure.
In the Wintertime, and really all year, I am a huge advocate for a warm breakfast. I do my best to keep it simple so that I don't have a lot of clean up to deal with afterwards, but this is the season for warming foods that will keep you cozy, and give you energy to get through the day.
I tend to lean towards roasted or air fried potatoes, stir fried vegetables, and a few eggs over easy. It sounds like a lot, but if you meal prep and plan it out from a few days before, you have an easy and delicious breakfast to kick start your day.

Some more things to do in the morning before you pick up your phone are:
-your Winter skincare routine
-stretch your body
-drink a cup of tea
-take a shower
-write in your gratitude journal
-take deep breaths
Moving your body in some way will also help you to reset after the holidays. Not in the way of needing to lose weight, but in the way of acknowledging that movement is often our body's best mechanism for healing and restoration.
I've talked a lot recently about my newfound love for weightlifting. Something I had been afraid of and intimidated by for years. But it truly helps to put me in a good head space.
When I'm moving my body, I'm not thinking about anything else, except getting through that moment. That last rep, those last few minutes on the treadmill. It helps me remain focused and keeps my mind in the present moment.
You don't have to do anything strenuous in order to incorporate movement back into your routine. It can be a walk, it can be an online yoga class, it can be a beginning ballet class at your local studio. The holidays can often be quite a sedentary time, so incorporating movement back in will help you to feel a little more normal as the Winter season continues on.
Easing your way back into work will keep you from feeling overwhelmed with all of the emails and projects that piled up during the holidays. Set up boundaries with your work that will allow you to be productive, and maintain your sanity as many industries pick up as we head into Spring.
What do boundaries look like in your work life? I'm so glad you asked!
Boundaries look like:
Not responding to emails that come in after your hours are done.
Not accepting work calls after a certain time.
Saying no to projects that you can't take on due to a full workload.
Leaving your work laptop at work.
Taking time off or sick days as needed without feeling guilty.
Jumping back into work can be stressful, but setting up boundaries will allow you to get back into the swing of things without going from one extreme to the other.
Easing back into normalcy after the holidays can be difficult. But with some standard, daily practices, we'll be feeling like ourselves in no time!
For more ideas on new ways to approach this year, check out my video below!