While February is generally considered the month of romantic love, this month also presents a good opportunity for us to show ourselves love as well.
Life can feel hard, heavy, scary and lonely, so it is important that in addition to pouring into those around us, we also pour into ourselves, and give ourselves the love and care that we so desperately need.
Here are a few ways to show yourself love and care this month.
Take Yourself on a Date
This one sounds cheesy, but it can actually be a lot of fun. I really enjoy spending time alone, and find myself craving a day out by myself when I haven't had one in a while.
Recently, I took myself on a shopping and lunch date. I enjoyed perusing the lingerie at Victoria's Secret, the scents at Bath & Body Works, the shoes at Nordstrom, and finished my day with a delicious lunch at Nordstrom Cafe.

I had a penne pasta with chicken meatballs, and enjoyed every minute of it. But my favorite part was when the most perfectly put together elderly woman sat at the table across from mine. We made eye contact and exchanged a few smiles before she said, "That smells SO good." I laughed and asked her what she was having, "Oh a chocolate chip cookie," she said. And I sat there eating my pasta, while she sat eating her cookie and drinking a coke.
It was so nice to be out and about, to connect with someone I'd never met before, and to enjoy some time to myself.
But solo dates can look like a variety of things! It can look like hours spent in Barnes and Noble, getting lost in a good book. Or a trip to a flower market to create your own stunning bouquet.
Buy Yourself Flowers
In honor of queen Miley winning a grammy for her song Flowers, take a page out of her book and buy yourself some beautiful flowers! So many women wait around for other people to buy them flowers, when Trader Joe's is usually right down the street.

Of course, if you have a partner and you've expressed that you want flowers and they don't get them for you, then that's a different conversation. But if you're in your single girl era and you would love to see a beautiful bouquet on your dining table, go buy some! It can be so much fun to use your creative eye to arrange flowers in the way you want, and they brighten up any space.
Tap Into Your Creativity
As we age, many of us lose the sense of creativity that once brought us so much joy. We stop drawing and coloring, dancing or writing poems. It's almost as if we decide that if something doesn't make us money, or we aren't professionals at it, then it's not worth the time.
But I would argue that it's not only an act of radical self-love, but an act of resistance to capitalism, to fully embrace your creativity, for no reason at all. Not out of hope for followers, fame or monetary gain. But just for funsies.
I've been having a lot of fun with my creative side lately. Working on different sewing projects, working in my garden, and creating Valentine's Day gift boxes for my family and friends.
Maybe you use this month to get creative! Write a short story! Paint a picture! Do something that you used to love, and you'll feel that warm, giddy energy come flooding right back in.
Move Your Body
Another lie we've been sold, is that the only reason to move your body, is to lose weight.
What this does, is create a toxic relationship with movement, wherein it's only beneficial or necessary, if we're trying to alter what we look like.
But movement is so important. It's not about how you look, it's about how you feel. I've noticed a big shift in my mindset and how I feel in my body, since I started incorporating movement with the goal of being healthier.
I feel less anxious, I feel more capable, and I'm proud of myself every time I finish a hard workout. It doesn't always feel like it in the moment, but movement is an easy way to show yourself love.
This workout from MadFit has me dripping sweat every time I do it!
Have a Pamper Session
Just because this one is obvious, doesn't make it any less fun! A great way to show yourself love is to have an all out, girly, pamper session day!
I know it can feel more luxurious to outsource some of these things, but doing them at home feels so much more loving and almost nostalgic. Like when we were at a high school sleepover and we'd stay up late painting each other's nails and talking about crushes.

A pamper session can include anything you want it to! But my perfect pampering includes:
A rose epsom salt bath with low lights and a meditation playing softly in the background
A full facial - cleanser, toner, serums, masks, moisturizers and a facial steamer
Painting my toes while I watch an episode of a fun or heartwarming show
A nourishing meal made with love
A quiet nighttime yoga session to end the night
Take a day this month to plan out a perfect pamper session day for yourself, and give yourself the tlc you deserve!
Self love is one of the most important types of love, if not the most important. So take this month as your opportunity to care for yourself, love yourself, and show up for yourself in the best way you know how.
I love these ideas! <3